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Typically the wait is 6-12 weeks or more to see a neurologist. We understand that this is way too long to wait

High Desert Neurology wants to make it easy for you.

Our new system allows patients to be seen promptly, while still having high quality care.

Neurology Intake Clinic
Kate Riordan, nurse practitioner, will see patients in the Neurology Intake Clinic, and Dr. Buchanan will review the history, tests and imaging, and the plan. After that, patients will follow up with the appropriate provider. For example, migraine patients may follow up with Kate Riordan. More complicated patients (multiple sclerosis, Parkinson disease, etc) will follow up with Dr. Buchanan.

No Need for a Referral

We gladly accept referred patients, and patients that have filled out initial paperwork. This includes demographics, insurance information, and your medical history.

Telemedicine Visits
This is for established patients that are residents of Utah for Kate Riordan, and Utah and Colorado for Dr Buchanan.